So This Is Christmas

Remember this: When you are doing nothing, those speculators who feel they must trade day in and day out, are laying the foundation for your next venture. You will reap benefits from their mistakes. There is the plain fool, who does the wrong thing at all times everywhere, but there is the Wall Street fool,…



Traditionally westerners equate activity with productive effort, as such the more noise and the more fuss you make the more productive you are. The same philosophy drifts into trading, as such trading becomes an activity-based endevour, which then migrates into entertainment. Research by W.B. Canoles, S.R. Thompson, S.H. Irwin, and V.G. France in their paper…



Traditionally westerners equate activity with productive effort, as such the more noise and the more fuss you make the more productive you are. The same philosophy drifts into trading, as such trading becomes an activity-based endevour, which then migrates into entertainment. Research by W.B. Canoles, S.R. Thompson, S.H. Irwin, and V.G. France in their paper An…


Conspiracy Theories

Unfortunately the default human behaviour of being consumed with irrationality is common. In markets this leads to a range of inane behaviours but one which seems to be running rampant at present is the various conspiracy theories running around the market. Everything from the new Prime Minister of Italy being a Goldman Sachs plant to…


Conspiracy Theories

Unfortunately the default human behaviour of being consumed with irrationality is common. In markets this leads to a range of inane behaviours but one which seems to be running rampant at present is the various conspiracy theories running around the market. Everything from the new Prime Minister of Italy being a Goldman Sachs plant to the massive…


Hedge Funds

The hedge-fund industry just had its fourth-worst quarter on record, according to one industry watcher. Hedge funds lost 5.5% in the quarter, according to Hedge Fund Research Inc., “trailing only the third and fourth quarters of 2008 and the third quarter of 1998.” More here This is not surprising – as I have mentioned before…
