What Is A Hedge Fund?

They forgot to mention – a massive wealth transference device where the proprietors of the fund get rich whilst the fund stakeholders get a return less than they could have got by simply buying an index fund. Did I miss anything out?     What is a Hedge Fund Infographic from HedgeFundFundamentals



One of the joys of trading is that you dont really have to be a grown up in the sense that you dont need to go to a defined place of work, put up with other people or endure the childishness of office politics. However, running your own business does bring with it some responsibilities…



This is my WTF moment for this week – possibly this year. Did you know that in Arizona it is illegal to massage a horse without a licence.We are talking about therapeutic massage here, not the you have been out on the trail too long and that filly looks mighty fetching in this light. Interestingly,…
