Volunteer Mentors

I was fortunate that I grew up in a time when those coming to Australia looking for a new start were largely welcomed. The notion of a fair go was still commonplace and this idea of a fair go did not have the sharp racial divide that it has now. In the spirit of this…


2014 Porsche 911 Turbo

0 to 100 in 3.2 seconds which makes it just a shade slower to 100 than the current range of Ducati’s I have not been a fan of this car since I nearly punted one of them off the end of the Frankston freeway nearly 30 years ago. When I was told the new model…


Self Herding

I have been rereading parts of Dan Ariely’s The Upside of Irrationality. For those who don’t know of Ariely and his work you can catch up with him on TED. One of the great cognitive biases we face as traders is the notion of herding – that is we run in groups. Institution’s are particularly…


Porsche Cayman S

I thought I would post this for two reasons. Firstly, to illustrate the different approaches to selling at a high level here and in the US. Whilst, I have no doubt car salesman are dodgy the world over this is actually a reasonably slick video. Porsche dealers locally still have very limited interaction with their…
