As It Should Be

MIAMI—While passengers in the economy cabin watched the standard preflight safety video Monday, United Airlines flight attendant Kim Walters quietly informed first-class ticket holders aboard Flight 1173 of the location of the plane’s actual emergency exits, sources confirmed. “Ladies and gentlemen, if you’ll please give me your attention for a brief and important announcement about…


Bloody Hell

The record price for a Brooklyn home broke the $15 million threshold this summer, and by now it’s widely accepted that New York’s outer boroughs are not much of a bargain, growing further out of reach for the aspiring homeowner. The rush of new construction in gentrifying neighborhoods has pushed up the price of land, and…


Oliver Sacks 1933-2015

ONE NIGHT IN 1940, a bomb tumbled out of the sky into a garden in North London, exploding into thousands of droplets of white-hot aluminum oxide, which cascaded over the lawn. The buckets of water that the inhabitants of the house at 37 Mapesbury Road—two Jewish doctors and their sons—poured on the fire only fed…


I Am Fascinated By This

AMMO NYC is my new favourite YouTube channel. I am fascinated by this young blokes fastidiousness and professionalism. Every tradesman I have met for the past year has been the complete opposite – a total collection of fuckwits who are incompetent beyond belief. This gives me hope that out there are people who know what…


Reflections On A Night Out

Whilst in Sydney I was surprised to be able to go and see Chris Hadfield, Canadian astronaut, singer of David Bowie songs, all around overachiever  and author of my favourite book of last year.  Upon leaving the lovely old State Theatre my immediate thought was that every bullshit motivational speaker in the world should just…
