A Trader in the Making

A SECRET HAND-WRITTEN message goes out to each student. “20c for toasted sandwiches. 12.30pm – room 2A. Bring your own sandwich.” And before I knew it, I was in business. Toasting sandwiches on a fork, connected to a ruler, held up to the industrial school heater. Around 15 twelve-year-old girls became my regular clients. I…


Who Are You?

I WAS SIDE-BY-SIDE with my Grandmother at the retirement village, looking into her dresser mirror. “Who do you see Gran?” I asked. “I see an old woman. I’m always shocked when I see her. Inside I’m still 18 years old, dancing and laughing with my fiancé, my whole life ahead of me.” You see, our…


Well This Is Sad

Has the world really come to a point where adults and children need to be taught how to play…. Kids need to play; defined as unstructured, fun and imaginary. Movement play is the stepping stone to an active childhood, which defines an adult’s activity level by age eight. Creating active children is a key to…
