The life of a scientist.

Whilst this article pertains to the situation in the US you can apply it locally. Just throw in a total lack of funding, ferocious brain drain a political landscape dominated by lawyers  who don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand 99% of science and engineering do and you have the situation in Australia. The Real…


The life of a scientist.

Whilst this article pertains to the situation in the US you can apply it locally. Just throw in a total lack of funding, ferocious brain drain a political landscape dominated by lawyers  who don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand 99% of science and engineering do and you have the situation in Australia. The Real…


What to do?

We have recently started a new mentor program and the new crew are quietly beavering away at their tasks. During this process the question was raised of what to do when you you have a position where price gaps beyond your stop. The stop in this instance was not automated so no immediate action was…


What to do?

We have recently started a new mentor program and the new crew are quietly beavering away at their tasks. During this process the question was raised of what to do when you you have a position where price gaps beyond your stop. The stop in this instance was not automated so no immediate action was…
