The Failure Of Ego

One of the more interesting things about following hedge funds is the behaviour of those who run them. At various times they will get into wonderfully childish slanging matches with one another that generally take on the following dialogue. Hedge Fund Loser One – The stock you own is bullshit… Hedge fund Loser Two –…

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The Lure Of Luxury

Why would anyone spend thousands of dollars on a Prada handbag, an Armani suit, or a Rolex watch? If you really need to know the time, buy a cheap Timex or just look at your phone and send the money you have saved to Oxfam. Certain consumer behaviors seem irrational, wasteful, even evil. What drives…

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Its A Matter Of Choice

I am always surprised that people are still trading the domestic equities market. Whilst, many such as fund managers can be forgiven for being trapped  both within the fallacy of their own narrative and their inherent laziness, there are people who should know better. Below I have generated some relative comparisons between our market and…

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Critical Thinking 101

One of the issues that bedevil us as both humans and traders is our ability to think clearly and rationally about subjects. We are prone to making snap judgments based upon the flimsiest of evidence. I get any and all manner of rubbish sent to me – some of it by people who should know…

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The Tantalizing Links between Gut Microbes and the Brain

Microbes and the brain have rarely been thought to interact except in instances when pathogens penetrate the blood–brain barrier—the cellular fortress protecting the brain against infection and inflammation. When they do, they can have strong effects: the virus that causes rabies elicits aggression, agitation and even a fear of water. But for decades, the vast…

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