
I found these two neat little charts courtesy of the OECD Strategic Infrastructure Needs to 2030 which seems to have been assembled by a cast of thousands. This first chart looks at competitiveness versus quality of infrastructure. As you can see in terms of the OECD we are only just hanging in there and we…

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Apple Versus Priceline

With all the talk of astronomical prices predicted for Apple my attention was drawn to this comparison. At this stage my money would be on Priceline to hit the magic $1,000 mark.

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Why Do Traders Fail To Make Money?

Let me state at the outset of this article that in terms of the number of rules involved in its successful execution trading is the simplest profession on earth. There are only two basic rules in trading. They are if the price is trending up over the time frame you are interested in then you…

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Bernie Madoff Letters From Prison

Fascinating piece from Forbes on letters Madoff has written to the author of his biography. It is well worth reading all the exchanges to get a sense of his profound and all encompassing delusion. Now all we need to know is what sort of delusion the SEC was operating under when they refused to investigate…

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$100 Later

Earlier this month I wrote about a talking head who suggested that traders should go short Apple based upon the fact that it had – a) Gone up a lot and that is bad b) Long in the tooth – which is obviously a technical term that I dont understand. So what has happened since…

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Jim Rogers

“Most of us don’t have the discipline to stay focused on a single goal for five, ten, or twenty years, giving up everything to bring it off, but that’s what’s necessary to become an Olympic champion, a world class surgeon, or a Kirov ballerina. Even then, of course, it may be all in vain. You…

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The Man Who Broke Atlantic City

Johnson is very good at gambling, mainly because he’s less willing to gamble than most. He does not just walk into a casino and start playing, which is what roughly 99 percent of customers do. This is, in his words, tantamount to “blindly throwing away money.” The rules of the game are set to give…

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Dodgy Stat Of The Day

For some idiotic reason I wanted to find out the trajectory of funds under management within the superannuation industry. You would think that data that had such national significance would be easy to find….guess again. To get some inkling of the way funds under management had been growing in the past decade I had to…

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Investor Inattention During FIFA World Cup Matches

An odd little paper that someone obviously got a grant for. The Pitch Rather than the Pit: Investor Inattention During FIFA World Cup Matches At the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, many soccer matches were played during stock market trading hours, providing us with a natural experiment to analyze fluctuations in investor attention.…

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