Rolling Stone

I have been a Rolling Stone reader for decades – what originally started as a somewhat shambolic counter culture music mag has morphed into probably one of the most effective financial journals around. Witness this skewering of Hank Paulson



Following on from my earlier posting regarding economics not being a science and being more akin to superstition I thought I would have a little look at the nature of superstition and I came across the following by Betrand Russell. Uncertainty in the presence of vivid hopes and fears, is painful but must be endured…



Following on from my earlier posting regarding economics not being a science and being more akin to superstition I thought I would have a little look at the nature of superstition and I came across the following by Betrand Russell. Uncertainty in the presence of vivid hopes and fears, is painful but must be endured…


Rolling Stone

I have been a Rolling Stone reader for decades – what originally started as a somewhat shambolic counter culture music mag has morphed into probably one of the most effective financial journals around. Witness this skewering of Hank Paulson  
