Oh Dear……..

It is this sort of thing that gives people who use price as a determinant a bad name. I grabbed this review from the comments section – couldnt agree more. A perfect example of a technical analyst disappearing so far up his own fundament he can’t see the light through his sphincter


Oh Dear……..

It is this sort of thing that gives people who use price as a determinant a bad name. I grabbed this review from the comments section – couldnt agree more. A perfect example of a technical analyst disappearing so far up his own fundament he can’t see the light through his sphincter



I thought I would post this as an example of something that is profoundly irrelevant to traders. However, the problem is people actually take this nonsense seriously and base their decisions on it. If you look at both the daily and weekly trend of the AUD it is up. Now whether that continues and for…


Diseases of Affluence

RECENTLY I WORKED as an internist-intensivist at the Canadian Combat Surgical Hospital in Kandahar. Most of our casualties were Afghans: National Army soldiers, National Police and civilians caught in crossfire. They were diminutive men, almost always less than a hundred and forty pounds. I cannot comment on the body masses of the Taliban—they were never…



Traders are often surprised at how close trading is to games of skill such as poker and blackjack where players exploit small skill advantages and a ruthless understanding of money management to be successful. Cates earned his stake by grinding, the term used to describe the process of pressing a skill advantage over an extended period of…



I thought I would post this as an example of something that is profoundly irrelevant to traders. However, the problem is people actually take this nonsense seriously and base their decisions on it. If you look at both the daily and weekly trend of the AUD it is up. Now whether that continues and for how long…



Traders are often surprised at how close trading is to games of skill such as poker and blackjack where players exploit small skill advantages and a ruthless understanding of money management to be successful. Cates earned his stake by grinding, the term used to describe the process of pressing a skill advantage over an extended…


Diseases of Affluence

RECENTLY I WORKED as an internist-intensivist at the Canadian Combat Surgical Hospital in Kandahar. Most of our casualties were Afghans: National Army soldiers, National Police and civilians caught in crossfire. They were diminutive men, almost always less than a hundred and forty pounds. I cannot comment on the body masses of the Taliban—they were never…
