Teach Your Daughters About Super

MOST WOMEN RETIRE with much less superannuation than men. This makes it particularly difficult for single women and widows. Plus, on average, women live almost five years longer than men. But why? Taking the pay gap aside, and the fact that women are more likely to work part-time and take time off for child-rearing… let’s…


A Born Natural?

NO-ONE WAS ‘born a natural’ at trading. It’s something you have to work at every day. You must chip away the rough edges to reveal the perfect trading plan. Sand back the psychological misadventures, before you can glide into profits. You end up falling in love with the messy process that trading is. Whenever I…



WE ALL LOSE OUR way sometimes. Even after you’ve nailed this trading game, and you’ve come out on top, sometimes it seems like the universe likes to screw with you and make you feel like life is a big Jenga game. The only constant with this is YOU. You’re the one in the screenplay of…


Push from the Front

MANY YEARS AGO, when I had a ‘real job’, I used to run a department where a bunch of reporters would call up companies and update their credit histories. Graduates, straight out of business school. Young, hopeful, and enthusiastic. A top entry job, with a bright future assured. I remember I was holding an interview…
