“I like order and structure in what I do so when I am asked to be a Buddy for a new Mentoree I send them a short guideline document that I developed which essentially asks them to commit to participating actively on the Forum, as a pre-condition for me acting as a Buddy.

I also provide some suggestions on how to get the most out of the course and what they can expect from me.  I must admit that the guideline seemed a bit tough at the start but it lays down some ground rules and ideas so they understand how to get the most from the arrangement.”

– Wayne Gale –

When we help others, we help ourselves, but make sure you’re getting the respect you deserve. You’re volunteering your time, and the newbie trader needs to remember this. Establishing the relationship boundaries in the beginning is essential.”

– Pearl Hollowood –

“If your newbie is struggling with the material or the quantity you need suggest they focus on just the posts made by Louise and Chris. Try not to become the educator. They need to get used to using the Forum to ask questions. When trying to work through issues, ask questions and get them to give examples to explain the question or issue rather than giving direct answers. Quite often this will result in them working out the answer themselves which is a better outcome.”

– Wayne Gale –

“Take notes yourself each time you converse with your Mentoree so you can access their progress and help them stay focused on what’s important. Explain that it takes time and it’s OK if you don’t get it the first time through as the Mentor Program doesn’t end and neither does the support.

– Jack Forsyth –

“One of the great benefits of being part of the Buddy Project – is that we all share a common language and shared experience that has been gained by doing the Mentor Program.  This assists with accelerating the learning process and gaining a deeper understanding of the key concepts of trading for both you and the newbie trader.”

– Peter Hunt –

“1. Before committing to a Mentoree be sure to check their Group page. This helps you in getting a basic understanding of the person you will be helping. Bit hard if you’re a Butcher and they are a Vegan.

2. Don’t forget to mention that the ongoing correspondence you share comes with complete confidentiality.

3. Turn it around so that it is you asking the questions (but not personal questions). Remember that you don’t know this person from a soap bar and they have to gain your trust.

4. Keep check to see if your Mentoree is participating. If not then ask them why and try to help and understand the problems they are facing.”

– Jack Forsyth –

“With the advent of zoom I think I would try to have a monthly or fortnightly face to face discussion with a mentoree to get a more accurate idea of how they are going. Things come out in the course of a conversation that possibly would not be discussed on an email and sometimes people don’t even realise that they are misunderstanding concepts until much later. I don’t think anything beats a conversation.

– Jeni White –