Keep in mind that some of the areas Mark and I touch on in the video are quite advanced, so if you’re having any difficulty following, all will be revealed in the coming weeks. Can’t wait to hear your success story in the coming years after you graduate from the Mentor Program!
I’ll hand you some more valuable resources shortly. Until then, focus on reading our books, so that you’re fully prepared for the Mentor Program. Just to refresh your memory on the pre-requisites, here they are for you:
Prior Reading
At least one, or ideally all of the books in the Mentor Program Foundation pack.
If you’re serious about doing the Trading Game Mentor Program, then this book pack is for you. It will provide the ideal preparation required to complete the Foundation level of the program.
You’ll receive The Art of Trading, Trading Secrets and Charting Secrets, for a great 10% discount, so you only pay $107.87. Order these now by clicking here.
Beyond Charts+, or Metastock
If you don’t already have Metastocktm, you will need to purchase Beyond Charts+ and data for this as well. Click here to do that right now. You won’t need both charting packages. You only need one charting package. We just list both because we support both in the Mentor Program.
May I repeat… you only need one charting package.
With Beyond Charts, after you’ve purchased the software, they will phone you to ascertain your data needs. You probably only need to get the ASX data when they phone.
If you’ve got Metastocktm and you’d like data, then click here.
You realise what we’re doing here don’t you? We’re opening up the whole hidden, underground world of the Mentorees for you to look at and watch, as well as learning directly from us – Chris Tate and Louise Bedford. If you’re like me, I’ve always found it to be of infinite value to learn from other people’s mistakes. Keep your eyes open and focus on every discussion, every word – and you’ll be up and running in no time.
Give Yourself Time
Because Metastocktm and Beyond Charts+ are professional charting packages, they can be a little complicated, so you’ll need to give yourself time to learn it. In the Mentor Program we’ll teach you how in a series of step-by-step lessons.
We’ve also assigned a Metastocktm expert – Scott Lowther, to answer any queries that the full Mentorees need to ask. And, the Beyond Charts+ team have put together a series of videos that you’ll access once you’ve purchased the product. Plus, a past Mentoree, Daniel Kornaat, has put together some Mentor Program specific videos for you to help you with Beyond Charts.
The more prepared you are in advance, the more you’ll get out of the program.
For any of your other questions, make sure you check out our Frequently Asked Questions page at this link:
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ll chat more soon.