A Sneak Peek
A Quick Word from Louise
Welcome to the resources that I’ve created just for you. Every week for the first 3 months of the program, I will provide you with a separate web-page that holds all of the videos, podcasts and focused multi-media information for you to watch, listen to and absorb.
These multi-media items are your resources for you to complete as we move through the Mentor Program.
In the first week, we will cover several main topics, and you’ll begin to become familiar with the way we’ll progress through the course. I’m sneaking you a little advanced information so you can get the jump on how the Mentor Program will work, and start your leap-frogging the other traders not exposed to our training.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out the Frequently Asked Questions about the Mentor Program, then click here to read more.
So now, I’ll hand over to the first of many resources that I’ll be introducing you to over the coming few months. There is absolute GOLD in this podcast, so be prepared to take some notes and sink your teeth into the terrific content you’ll find here.
The Role of a Trader – Your first podcast as a member of the Mentor Program
In this 14 minute podcast hear how professional trader Alan Hull, author of ‘Active Investing’, approaches his trading responsibilities. Alan has a bundle of energy and you’ll love his views on what it takes to trade with the right mind-set. In this industry, the ‘good guys’ tend to stick together and you’ll find that even when our strategies differ, our philosophies are remarkably similar:
To download the mp3 file to your computer, right-click on the link below and choose ‘Save target as…’ or ‘Save link as…’ and save to a suitable location on your local drive
Congratulations on officially starting the Mentor Program! Now that you’ve begun – you’ll never look back.
You’re now a few steps closer to developing the skills to earn money as a trader, regardless of the market direction. Well done! We’ll be discussing these resources in more detail during the first week of the Program, so the sooner you can listen and watch everything I’ve provided for you, the better. I’ll ‘slip’ you the next podcast soon, so stay tuned!
Chat soon,