Your Trading Plan Template

Every effective trader works to a written trading plan. But… holy cow… what is a trading plan, and what do you put in one so you can end up with a roadmap to guide your success?

Click below to download my template.

You’ll love it. It’s based on the culmination of 30+ years of my experience as a trader.


Part 1 of your Trading Made Simple e-course:

Charts and Mindset

For your first lesson, listen to some incredibly relevant information that will help you develop the skills required to be a super trader:

Charting for Beginners


Trading Psychology


You’ll also receive our monthly email newsletter on an ongoing basis, and this will expand your knowledge about trading as well. You’ll receive the second part of your empowering e-course tomorrow where you’ll learn about setting stop losses and brokers.


Chris TateIf you’d like to subscribe to Chris Tate’s funny, witty, and irreverent blog then click here and subscribe right now.

The important thing to me is that you get incredible value from this e-course.

I realise your time is valuable and I plan on delivering. Too many times e-courses like this are simply a waste of time, so if that is what you were expecting, get prepared to be stunned.

Over the next few weeks, you’ll receive information to really sink your teeth into, so that you can learn how to trade like a pro.

Stick with me over the whole e-course. I guarantee that you will get at least one real ‘zinger’ or ‘aha’ experience. This could just be all that you need to generate obscene profits. You don’t need luck to trade effectively. All you’ll need is education and action.

If you’re alert, and if your mind is always focused on opportunity, you’ll discover many gems simply by listening to the lessons I’m providing for you.

Here is a breakdown of your course:


Trading Made Simple

  1. Charts and Mindset
  2. Brokers and Stops
  3. 7 Deadly Sins and Profit Maximisation
  4. Trading with Leverage
  5. Trading System Design and Central Trading Beliefs


To trade well you need to develop and stick to a trading plan, so this should be your focus over the coming weeks. This course contains exactly the information that I wish I’d been privy to when I started to get serious about trading.


Your Next Step

Have you heard about our free Talking Trading weekly podcast show?

Click here to learn more about it. If you haven’t already subscribed, register so you’ll always be kept in the loop. You’ll love it.

If you’re currently not making money in the sharemarket – it’s not your fault!

How can you be expected to know intuitively how to make money trading if you’ve never been shown?

So it’s great to see that you’ve subscribed to this 5-part e-course: Trading Made Simple and that you’re determined to work on your trading plan.

Keep an eye out for part 2 of the e-course in your inbox soon. The best is yet to come!


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Simply click one of the best links, depending upon what email service you use, and watch how to white-list emails coming from us.

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We only want to stay in touch with the most eager action-takers… and if you don’t open our emails (and click on a link) for a couple of months in a row, we’ll assume that you don’t want to hear from us anymore. No point in having a one-sided relationship. It’s gotta be both ways, doesn’t it?

Bye for now,

Louise Bedford


P.S. If I didn’t care about your success, I wouldn’t be giving you this free training. I’ve charged substantial amounts in the past for similar information. For you, I’m providing this incredible information for free so you can burst through your trading barriers.

I want you to understand this is where it begins, and if you’re ready to use this information, it will make a difference for you.