Part 2 of your Trading Made Simple e-course:

Brokers and Stops

To trade the sharemarket, you’ll need to use the services of a stockbroker.

Today, traders are spoilt for choice with a huge range of online brokers giving traders access to many markets both in Australia and worldwide.

Here is an audio that covers the features to look for when evaluating an online broker.

Choosing an Online Broker


Stop losses are an essential tool for traders. To find out what they are and how to use them effectively, listen here:


Obey the Stop Signs


Each month I release a new issue of the Trading Game Newsletter. Since you are now a member of the Trading Game community, you should receive the next issue fairly soon. I know you’ll enjoy it.

If you’ve subscribed to Chris Tate’s Blog, you’ll also enjoy reading his insightful and often irreverent posts there. If you’re not familiar with Chris (or CT as many know him), he is a 30-year trading veteran and one of the first people to ever release a sharetrading book in Australia. He has had an extraordinary impact on thousands of traders.

By now, I’m sure you will have thought of some of your friends and colleagues that would be keen to receive the information that I’ve been sending you. Feel free to forward this email to them and tell them to register on the home page of this website so they can receive the most up-to-date information and education on the sharemarket today.

As you know, journalists from every major newspaper around Australia frequently quote my comments on the sharemarket.

Here is what Stephen Calder, a contributing writer for The Australian Financial Review, has to say about the information I’ve provided him in the past.


Stephen Calder


You’ll receive the third part of your empowering e-course in 2 days time. I know you’ll be excited to learn about the 7 deadly sins of sharetrading as well as the secrets of how to maximise your profits.

We’ll chat more soon.

Bye for now,

Louise Bedford


P.S. Don’t you agree that people like Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey would be able to rebuild their wealth incredibly quickly if they lost all of their money? That’s because they’ve developed the financial life skills to drive them towards success, and they know that their biggest attribute is their knowledge about how to create money out of thin air.

By progressing through this e-course, you’ll hit the ground running when it comes to making money from the sharemarket. I’m providing you with some incredible information so you can put into action all of the success principles associated with effective trading.